Tuesday, May 8, 2012



Quinoa is the bomb.  Or it's more like teensy little bombs that once boiled, explode and release these cute little curly Q's.  It's yummy, nutritious and has a gentle nutty flavor, like brown rice or something.  Thus, no one in my family likes it but me.  Party poopers.

I have tried to prepare it several different ways, plain, with a southwestern twist, and formed into fried cakes.  They never like it.  "It tastes like crunchy dirt." My four year old would know, I am pretty sure she has eaten crunchy dirt.

Maybe, just maybe, if I try one of these recipes, my family will actually eat quinoa...doubt it.


 Wait, wait, I know, let's douse it slimy sauce, add chicken...
You can make it too!
Then sprinkle it with peas. (At my house, peas stand on their own. They are never, ever sprinkled over anything)
Oddly, enough, same recipe.

Perhaps I am going about quinoa entirely the wrong way.  I thought of it as a savory food, but perhaps if I add fruit...(cute fork!)
You can make it too!
Ah, no.  This blogger will be receiving an owl from the Department of Tragic Misuse of Otherwise Tasty Fruits.

I did find this cute little pin on Pinterest, so perhaps I ought to keep it simple. 
10 New Ways to Cook Quinoa